OIDC in Buildkite Packages

Open ID Connect (OIDC) is an authentication protocol based on the OAuth 2.0 framework. With OIDC, one system or service issues an OIDC token containing signed metadata (or claims) about a user or object. This token can be consumed by another service (which may be offered by a third-party or by the same organization) to authenticate the user or object. An OIDC policy configured on this other service defines which OIDC tokens (based on their claims) are permitted to perform the actions. If the OIDC token's claims match those of the OIDC policy configured in the other service, the token is authenticated and the service issuing the token is permitted to perform its actions on the other service.

You can configure Buildkite Packages registries with OIDC policies that only permit Buildkite Agent interactions from specific Buildkite organizations, pipelines, jobs, and agents, associated with a pipeline's job. This is similar to how third-party products and services can be configured with OIDC policies to consume Buildkite OIDC tokens from Buildkite pipelines, for deployment, or access management and security purposes.

A Buildkite OIDC token is a signed JSON Web Token (JWT) provided by a Buildkite Agent, containing metadata claims about a pipeline and its job, including the pipeline and organization slugs, as well as job-specific data, such as the branch, the commit SHA, the job ID, and the agent ID. Such a token is associated with a Buildkite Agent interaction to perform one or more actions on a Buildkite Packages registry. If the token's claims do not match or comply with the registry's OIDC policy, the OIDC token and subsequent pipeline jobs' actions are rejected.

The Buildkite Agent's oidc command allows you to request an OIDC token from Buildkite containing claims about the pipeline's current job. These tokens are then used by a Buildkite Packages registry to determine (through its OIDC policy) if the organization, pipeline and any other metadata associated with the pipeline and its job are permitted to publish/upload packages to this registry.

Buildkite Packages registries also support OIDC policies that can consume OIDC tokens configured on third-party products and services, such as GitHub Actions, to authenticate interactions from these services.

Define an OIDC policy for a registry

You can specify an OIDC policy for your Buildkite registry, which defines the criteria for which OIDC tokens, from the Buildkite Agent or another third-party system, will be accepted by your registry and authenticate a package publication/upload action from that system.

To define an OIDC policy for one or more Buildkite pipeline jobs in a registry:

  1. Select Packages in the global navigation to access the Registries page.

  2. Select the registry whose OIDC policy needs defining.

  3. Select Settings > OIDC Policy to access the registry's OIDC Policy page.

  4. In the Policy field, specify this using the following format:

    - iss: https://agent.buildkite.com
      organization_slug: organization-slug
      pipeline_slug: pipeline-slug
      build_branch: main


    • iss (the issuer) must be https://agent.buildkite.com, representing the Buildkite Agent.
    • organization-slug can be obtained from the end of your Buildkite URL, after accessing Packages or Pipelines in the global navigation of your organization in Buildkite.
    • pipeline-slug can be obtained from the end of your Buildkite URL, after accessing Pipelines in the global navigation of your organization in Buildkite.
    • main or whichever branch of the repository you want to restrict package publication/uploads from pipeline builds.

Each of these OIDC policy fields acts as a filter and only authenticates and accepts OIDC tokens from Buildkite Agent pipelines and jobs whose criteria match these field values. Therefore, omitting a field makes the policy less strict.

You can also specify multiple rules in this Policy field to allow your registry to accept jobs from other pipelines, as well as OIDC tokens from other systems.

Example OIDC policy for a registry

The following example OIDC policy defined on a registry (with two rules):

- iss: https://agent.buildkite.com
  organization_slug: my-organization
  pipeline_slug: my-pipeline
  build_branch: main
- iss: https://agent.buildkite.com
  organization_slug: my-organization
  pipeline_slug: my-second-pipeline

Will only authenticate and accept OIDC tokens (and therefore, allow package publishing/uploads to this registry) from Buildkite Agents:

  • Configured with the Buildkite organization my-organization.

  • Running pipeline builds of the my-pipeline or my-second-pipeline pipelines within this organization.

  • For my-pipeline, running builds from the main branch of the repository.

  • For my-second-pipeline, running builds from any branch of the repository.

Configure a Buildkite pipeline to authenticate to a registry

Configuring a Buildkite pipeline command step to request an OIDC token from Buildkite to interact with your Buildkite registry configured with an OIDC policy, is a two-part process.

Part 1: Request an OIDC token from Buildkite

To do this, use the following buildkite-agent oidc command:

buildkite-agent oidc request-token --audience "https://packages.buildkite.com/{org.slug}/{registry.slug}" --lifetime 300


  • --audience is the target system that consumes this OIDC token. For Buildkite Packages, this value must be based on the URL https://packages.buildkite.com/{org.slug}/{registry.slug}.
  • {org.slug} can be obtained from the end of your Buildkite URL, after accessing Packages or Pipelines in the global navigation of your organization in Buildkite.
  • {registry.slug} is the slug of your registry, which is the kebab-case version of your registry name, and can be obtained after accessing Packages in the global navigation > your registry from the Registries page.

  • --lifetime is the time (in seconds) that the OIDC token is valid for. By default, this value must be less than 300.

Part 2: Authenticate the Buildkite registry with the OIDC token

To do this (using Docker as an example), authenticate the Buildkite registry with the OIDC token obtained in part 1 by piping the output through to the docker login command:

docker login packages.buildkite.com/{org.slug}/{registry.slug} --username buildkite --password-stdin


Therefore, the full command step would look like:

buildkite-agent oidc request-token --audience "https://packages.buildkite.com/{org.slug}/{registry.slug}" --lifetime 300 | docker login packages.buildkite.com/{org.slug}/{registry.slug} --username buildkite --password-stdin

Assuming a Buildkite organization with slug my-organization and a pipeline slug my-pipeline, this full command would look like:

buildkite-agent oidc request-token --audience "https://packages.buildkite.com/my-organization/my-pipeline" --lifetime 300 | docker login packages.buildkite.com/my-organization/my-pipeline --username buildkite --password-stdin

Example pipeline

The following example Buildkite pipeline YAML snippet demonstrates how to push Docker images to a Buildkite registry using OIDC token authentication:

- key: "docker-build" # Build the Docker image
  label: ":docker: Build"
  command: docker build --tag packages.buildkite.com/my-organization/my-pipeline/my-image:latest .

- key: "docker-login" # Authenticate the Buildkite Agent to the Buildkite Packages registry using an OIDC token
  label: ":docker: Login"
  command: buildkite-agent oidc request-token --audience "https://packages.buildkite.com/my-organization/my-pipeline" --lifetime 300 | docker login packages.buildkite.com/my-organization/my-pipeline --username buildkite --password-stdin
  depends_on: "docker-build"

- key: "docker-push" # Now authenticated, push the Docker image to the registry
  label: ":docker: Push"
  command: docker push packages.buildkite.com/my-organization/my-pipeline/my-pipeline/my-image:latest
  depends_on: "docker-login"